When the game will get released?
The release date for PC (Linux, Windows and OSX) is 21 september 2015, the release will be world-wide. The mobile version will come out later in the year.
What kind of computer is required?
Any computer that run games such as Minecraft and Terraria will work with this game too, the requirements are very low by today's standard.
What are the supported languages?
English, french, spanish, german and russian.
How much people are working on the game?
One guy (Yanick Bourbeau), for most of the game. Pierre-luc Bertrand and William Giroux-Fortin are helping with level design and beta testing. Alain Breton is helping with language translations.
What engine/library was used to produce this game?
The game was made using LibGDX (www.libgdx.org) java library.
How to get support for the game?
Contact me directly to: ybourbeau at gmail dot com